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Dermal fillers are less invasive than traditional cosmetic procedures and can provide a more natural-looking result. They encompass a wide range of treatments which can be targeted to specific areas of concern. Dermal fillers, also known as facial fillers, contain a high level of hyaluronic acid which give skin its elasticity and volume by helping retain water. As part of the natural aging process, there is a loss of volume and elasticity in the skin. Dermal fillers can be used to soften lines and wrinkles as well as shaping and contouring various facial features – reintroducing youthful plumpness


Dermal fillers work by boosting the skin’s supply of hyaluronic acid. This injectable substance has a gel consistency made up of stabilised, non-animal hyaluronic acid, which is tissue-friendly and closely resembles the hyaluronic acid that exists naturally in the body. There are many different dermal filler gels available, though we at Astounding Skin Aesthetic use Juvéderm® and Teosyal® which are a premium brand with well established safety profiles. We also use the newer popular premium brand Revolax® with promising results and safety profiles that leads the market and gives outstanding results in a variety of different areas (including the cheeks, nose, and lips). Dermal fillers are long-lasting but not permanent with the result of a single filler treatment lasting between 12-18 months with Teosyal®, Revolax® and between 6 - 24 months with Juvéderm®.


Our Dermal Fillers are a safe, effective and minimally-invasive way to enhance your natural beauty. At Astounding skin Aesthetics we use the latest techniques and highest quality fillers to achieve the most natural-looking results. Whether you are looking to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, add volume to your lips, or restore fullness to the cheeks, we have a filler that is right for you.


Dermal fillers can be used to smooth away facial lines and wrinkles, create fuller lips and shape facial contours, such as cheeks and chin, and revitalise the skin.

Most commonly treated areas are: 

  • Wrinkles

  • Fine Lines

  • Lip Sculpting & Augmentation

  • Cheek Augmentation

  • Chin Sculpting

  • Marionette Lines (either side of the mouth)

  • Nasolabial lines (nose to mouth lines)

  • Peri-oral lines or Smokers lines (around the mouth)

  • Nose (non-surgical rhinoplasty)

  • Temples

  • Brow Lift

  • Deep line lift

  • Tear Trough (under eye hollows) 

  • Jawline Sculpting


Book your consultation today to learn more about our Dermal Filler treatments.

Woman Having Lip Botox
young woman having cheek fillers
  • How long does the treatment take?
    After a full consultation with Dr Chowdhury, a bespoke treatment plan will be devised. Treatment usually takes between 20-30 minutes but may take longer depending on the number of areas treated.
  • What results can I expect?
    Results start to appear approximately 3-5 days after treatment and peaks at around 2 weeks. A complimentary top up at 2 weeks is available if necessary.
  • What are the risks and side effects of anti-Wrinkle Injections?
    Anti-wrinkle injections are a relatively pain free treatment, with only mild discomfort during treatment. There may be mild soreness, swelling or bruising after the treatment which tends to subside after 24 hours.
  • Is there a down time associated with the treatment?
    Most clients do not experience down time after treatment and can continue with their day as normal. Any swelling, redness or bruising tends to subside within 24 hours.
  • What is classified as one area?
    The following are classified as one area: · Frown lines · Forehead lines · Crow’s feet · Bunny lines · Down turned Mouth · Gummy smile · Dimpled chin · Peri-oral lines More than one area can be treated in one sitting.
  • Do I need any follow up after my anti-wrinkle injection?
    Yes, we will book you a follow up after 2 weeks and provide a free top up injection if required.
  • Who will perform the procedure?
    All procedures at Astounding Skin Aesthetics are performed by Dr Chowdhury after a consultation and full assessment.
  • How long do the result last?
    Duration of results varies from person to person depending on external factors such as metabolism. However, on average, results tend to last between 3-4 months after which you may wish to return for further treatment.

Dermal Fillers
(Juvederm®, Teosyal®, Revolax®, Gineus) 

From £130

£320 / ml

£300 / ml

£300 / ml

£300 / ml

£325 / ml

£350 / ml

£350 / ml

£400 / ml

£400 / ml


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